Personalized strategic planning will be provided to your team. Districts will complete a comprehensive needs assessment designed for status reflection on researched based practices aligned to each area of the Instructional Growth Framework. District or building teams will analyze current status and list specific needs as you move towards district goals or grant goals. Your team will decide which areas you want to target with your team. We will use this strategic planning form as our guide to work through professional development and support plans.
Professional Development is offered as leadership training, which empowers coaches and administrators to practice effective instructional leadership in their district. We will design a systematic plan that includes analyzing staff needs for our targeted areas, attending PD sessions, and designing a plan to share information out to your district team of educators. In addition, the leadership teams will receive or design staff surveys and building walkthrough forms that will keep all staff and teachers focused on the targeted areas and will provide usable data for sustained support.
Professional Development for teachers and staff can take place during waiver days or during the typical school day. PD sessions are personalized for any size audience from large multi-district retreats to small rotating groups of teachers during the school day. We will work together to discuss the best delivery method for your district, grant, or building goals.
Reflection Surveys and Evidence-of-Practice Walkthroughs are provided to identify the needs and status of each staff member working towards district or building instructional goals. The reflection survey and goal setting results will serve as a baseline for growth data. This information also helps administrators and coaches know exactly how to support each staff member. Walkthrough forms are aligned to each reflection survey and are available for coaches, administrators and peers to help recognize evidence of practice and growth. These forms are instrumental in making sure there is a unified plan with clear expectations for current practice and future needs.
Tools and Checklists are available for every PD session. There will be an Instructional Growth Livebinder with resources that are updated after every PD session. In addition, to support targeting instruction and assessment, Standard Maps and Checklists are now available digitally.
Standard Maps specifically align instruction to the state expectations using guidelines form the State Tests Specifications and Performance Indicators. These maps allow teachers to deeply understand the expected rigor of every standard. It is impossible to teach with the necessary clarity without understanding the target the standard maps change the way educators plan lessons, vet materials, and explain success criteria to learners. Insert standard Map
Checklists are available for ELA, Science, Math and Social Studies grades K-12. The Standard Checklists allow for targeted instruction of standards and focused assessment. Educators can quickly practice formative assessment strategies to monitor standard mastery or growth daily, weekly, or throughout the school year. Students can be immediately identified and serviced with formative feedback and timely interventions. These standard-based checklists become a valuable part of a strong multi-tiered system of support and informed decision making.
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